Annual International Conferences
Each year the ICMB organizes an international conference dealing with an issue of keen interest to bankers, policy makers and academic researchers. The conference is organized around a study specially commissioned from leading experts. The study is published in the Geneva Reports on the World Economy series, available here in electronic form. Print version can be obtained from CEPR.
The corresponding Geneva Reports are available here.
May 3, 2013: Exit Strategy
Alan Blinder, Don Kohn, with contributions by Thomas Jordan and Frederic Mishkin
May 4, 2012: After the Fall: The Future of Global Cooperation
May 5, 2011: Public Debts: Nuts, Bolts and Worries
Barry Eichengreen, Robert Feldman, Jeffrey Liebman, Jürgen von Hagen and Charles Wyplosz
May 7, 2010: Cross-border resolution of systemically important financial institutions
January 24,2009: The fundamental principles of financial regulation
May 30, 2008: Conference in honor of Alexander Swoboda
May 06, 2008
Low inflation? Testing times for Central Banks
May 04, 2007
International financial stability
May 05, 2006
Dealing with the new giants
May 06, 2005
Official reserves and currency management in Asia: Myth, reality and the Future
May 07, 2004
International economic cooperation in the 21st century
May 09, 2003
Conflicts of interest in commercial and investment Banking
May 10, 2002
Financial Markets: Shock Absorbers or Shock Creators
May 04, 2001
How do central Banks talk?
May 05, 2000
Asset price inflation: what to do about it?
May 07, 1999
The IMF after Mexico
October 06, 1997
The international monetary system after the decision on EMU
The European sovereign debt crisis has not just created turmoil and fragmentation in the money and financial markets of the Eurozone. It has also divided economists, often along national lines. On January 24, 2014, ICMB organized a workshop of researchers to try and find common ground. A report will be available soon.
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